Búsqueda WHOIS dominio

agu.st ya está registrado

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Resultados de la búsqueda WHOIS para agu.st

Whois Server Version 3.3.2
Domain Name: agu.st
Registrar: NETIM
Name Server: ns-145-a.gandi.net
Name Server: ns-91-c.gandi.net
Name Server: ns-119-b.gandi.net
Status: clientTransferProhibited, serverTransferProhibited, transferPeriod
Updated Date: 2024-12-31
Creation Date: 2024-01-01
Expiration Date: 2026-01-01
>>> Last update of whois database: 2025-01-02T14:37:04Z <<<
The data in the WHOIS database is protected by copyright.
By submitting a WHOIS query, you agree that you will use this data only for lawful purposes according with the terms and policy that is publicly available on https://www.nic.st/terms-of-service and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via direct mail, electronic mail, or by telephone; in contravention of any applicable data and privacy protection laws; or to enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that apply to the registry (or its systems).
Compilation, repackaging, dissemination, or other use of the WHOIS database in its entirety, or of a substantial portion thereof, is not allowed without ST Registry prior written permission.
By executing this query, in any manner whatsoever, you agree to abide by these terms. In some limited cases, domains that might appear as available in whois might not actually be available as they could be already registered and the whois not yet updated and/or they could be part of the Restricted list. In this cases, performing a check through your Registrar's (EPP check) will give you the actual status of the domain.
ST Registry reserves the right to modify or change these conditions at any time without prior or subsequent notification of any kind.
DOMAIN: agu.st
URL: www.netim.com
created-date: 2024-01-01 12:49:11
updated-date: 2024-12-31 13:06:50
expiration-date: 2026-01-01 12:49:11
registrant-organization: GDPR protected
registrant-name: GDPR protected (GDPR protected)
registrant-street: GDPR protected
registrant-city: GDPR protected
registrant-state: GDPR protected
registrant-zip: GDPR protected
registrant-country: FR
registrant-phone: GDPR protected
registrant-fax: GDPR protected
registrant-email: GDPR protected
admin-organization: GDPR protected
admin-name: GDPR protected (GDPR protected)
admin-street: GDPR protected
admin-city: GDPR protected
admin-state: GDPR protected
admin-zip: GDPR protected
admin-country: FR
admin-phone: GDPR protected
admin-fax: GDPR protected
admin-email: GDPR protected
tech-organization: GDPR protected
tech-name: GDPR protected (GDPR protected)
tech-street: GDPR protected
tech-city: GDPR protected
tech-state: GDPR protected
tech-zip: GDPR protected
tech-country: FR
tech-phone: GDPR protected
tech-fax: GDPR protected
tech-email: GDPR protected
billing-organization: GDPR protected
billing-name: GDPR protected (GDPR protected)
billing-street: GDPR protected
billing-city: GDPR protected
billing-state: GDPR protected
billing-zip: GDPR protected
billing-country: FR
billing-phone: GDPR protected
billing-fax: GDPR protected
billing-email: GDPR protected
nameserver: ns-145-a.gandi.net
nameserver: ns-91-c.gandi.net
nameserver: ns-119-b.gandi.net

Nuestro servicio WHOIS es conforme al RGPD

Con la llegada del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD), Gandi.net y la industria mundial de los dominios ha tenido que adaptarse a la forma en que la información personal en la base de datos WHOIS se gestiona y se pone a disposición del público.

Por lo tanto, nos comprometemos a no publicar ningún dato de carácter personal en nuestro servicio de búsqueda de dominios WHOIS, a menos que la persona haya indicado expresamente que desea que esta información sea pública. Según el registro que gestione la extensión del dominio, podemos seguir proporcionando datos no personales, como el nombre de la persona jurídica, los datos técnicos a propósito del registrador que lo gestiona, el estado del registro del dominio, la información de creación y la fecha de expiración.

Saber más sobre la conformidad al RGPD del WHOIS en Gandi.net

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